In oracle apps, by default, concurrent managers are installed on one of the nodes. However, Oracle provides functionality called parallel concurrent processing -PCP where in, we can install concurrent mangers on multiple nodes. The advantage of PCP is that it provides fail over capability-if one of the nodes having Cm goes down, then CM will run on other nodes. Also, since we can distribute Cm over multiple nodes, so it will take advantage of resources-Ram/CPU of that node and hence processing will be faster.
Steps for Implementing PCP
- Make sure that the new node is added to the system. We will call the node already having CM as primary node and the new node as secondary node.
- Change the parameter APPLDCP to ON in context file of both nodes. For viewing reports log/output make sure that $APPLSCF should point to same directory on both nodes. We can use NFS for this.
- ON the secondary node, change the parameter “s_ isConc” to yes and also”s_ isConcDev” to yes
- Now, shutdown the services and run autoconfig on primary node, then on secondary node and finally on web tier.
- Ensure that tnsnames.ora on both CM nodes have correct entries.
- Now define primary and secondary node for ICM. Goto Concurrent >Manager>Define >Internal manager. There should be 2 ICM-one for each node(say node A and node B). For ICM for node A-define A as primary node and B as secondary node. For ICM for Node B-define B as primary node and A as secondary node.
- Similarly for Internal Monitor process define primary and secondary nodes. Goto Concurrent > Manager > Define. Search “Internal Monitor%”. There should be 2 Internal Monitor -one for each node(say A and B). For Internal Monitor for node A-define A as primary node and B as secondary node. For Internal Monitor for Node B-define B as primary node and A as secondary node. Also define standard workshift for both Internal Monitors. Activate them.
- Now define primary and secondary for other concurrent managers the way you want to distribute them.
- Start the services on all nodes. The cm has to be started on primary node only and not on secondary node.
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