It is used to Compress an Entire Directory or a Single File.
Use the following command to compress an entire directory or a single file on Linux. It’ll also compress every other directory inside a directory you specify–in other words, it works recursively.
Use the following command to compress an entire directory or a single file on Linux. It’ll also compress every other directory inside a directory you specify–in other words, it works recursively.
tar -czvf name-of-archive.tar.gz /path/to/directory-or-file
Here’s what those switches actually mean:
- -c: Create an archive.
- -z: Compress the archive with gzip.
- -v: Display progress in the terminal while creating the archive, also known as “verbose” mode. The v is always optional in these commands, but it’s helpful.
- -f: Allows you to specify the filename of the archive.
tar -xvzf apps_st.tgz apps_st
It is used to extract the directory apps_st.tgz to apps_st.
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